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Freak House Studio collaborated with Acadally to create 35:53 minutes of educational videos using motion graphics and VFX. Although the client shelved the project, it highlights our commitment to high-quality educational content.

Freak House Studio collaborated with Acadally to produce a series of educational videos designed to assist children in comprehending a wide range of topics. The project, spanning 75 days, involved the creation of motion graphics and VFX tailored for the Ed-Tech AV sector. These videos, totaling a content duration of 35:53 minutes, were meticulously crafted to be both engaging and informative, ensuring that young learners could easily grasp complex subjects.

Despite the successful completion and delivery of the project, the client, Acadally, decided to shelf the educational videos. Consequently, the project did not go live as initially planned. Nevertheless, the effort and creativity invested by Freak House Studio in the production process remain a testament to our commitment to quality content.

Project Metrics

10 Weeks

Project Duration

Content Duration

35:53 mins

Motion Graphics and VFX- Ed-Tech AV



Project Gallery

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